A few scents with a hint of green to create “landscape fragrances” that are real enough to step into. How easy it is to surrender to all this chic greenery. Breathing becomes easier, as if the windows have been opened wide.


Refreshing – vegetal – enveloping

Winding your way through narrow streets, you make an unexpected discovery: a lovely, shaded patio, cool and full of greenery. The space is perfectly calm. A seat awaits amid the aloe plants. Be in the present, sip a cup of tea, let the mint refresh your palate. A picture-perfect moment that only a few lucky wanderers will experience.

Dress code

A summer dress with warm colors, Spanish sandals, a camera around your neck.

Olfactory emotions

Harmony, freshness, tranquility.

Key ingredients

Mint. Aloe vera. Apple. Rose. Musk.


60% relaxing + 25% fresh + 15% dreamy


Floral – maritime – exotic

The setting / The deck of a sailboat made of tropical wood, the boat leaning into the wind, all ready for adventure. Faces gently caressed by water, a gentle breeze and the soft ocean air. Not a sound anywhere other than the soothing whispers of the ocean. Take a moment to inhale the horizon, to capture the magnificent swell of scents rising from the coast – skin warmed by the sun, pina coladas being served, Tiare flowers…

Dress code

No shoes, chino pants cuffed to the ankle and a white linen shirt.

Olfactory emotions

Travel, gentle breeze, sweet solitude, sea spray

Key ingredients

Bergamot. Jasmine. Coconut. Lily. Sandalwood.


50% change of scenery + 30% refreshing + 20% relaxing

l’eau du ruisseau

Thirst-quenching – zesty – radiant

The setting / Dropping a hook into the water is just a pretext. What counts is the sweet melody of the water as it flows by, peaceful and calm, along the banks of the river dotted with spring flowers. This delightful sound of pure water does wonders to lighten the mood and wash away worries, one by one.

Dress code

Comfortable jean shorts, a white tank top, a paperback that’s been read countless times.

Olfactory emotions

Invigorating freshness, minerality, fluidity, joie de vivre.

Key ingredients

Grapefruit. Mint. Lemon. Green tea.


45% luminous + 30% youthful + 25% contemplative


Soothing – quiet – botanical

The setting / At last, it’s time to stretch out for a siesta under the protective foliage of a majestic, 100-year-old Mediterranean tree. Everything is exactly as it should be: the villa in Provence with its ochre walls faded by the years, the impeccable lawn of a garden in April exuding otherworldly freshness.

Dress code

A light, flowered dress with an Italian straw hat and a Mozart concerto in the background.

Olfactory emotions

Joy, elegance, tonicity.

Key ingredients

Lemon, Mint. Fig. Vetiver.


50% relaxing + 30% hushed + 20% springtime


Youthful – early riser – stylish

The setting 

As the dawn breaks, a chorus of scents that stayed quiet during the night begins to sing. The morning walk has become a ritual, a moment to commune with the playful side of nature. One by one, the flowers release their seductive scents; sap drips slowly from the trees as if to nourish the soul of a new day that’s part of a sacred feast.

Dress code

A sporty polo shirt, mohair sweater over the shoulders, flowing pants and sandals.

Olfactory emotions

Relaxation, reverie, travel, contemplation.

Key ingredients

Bergamot. Honeysuckle. Freesia. Tea.


35% exhilarating + 35% dreamlike + 30% familiar


Meditative – citrusy – luminous

The setting

Winding roads, villages perched on hilltops and steep mountainsides with the sea below… clearly, nature is good at imitating art. Suddenly a breeze sweeps in, its lemony freshness blending with the leafy scents of the trees. The inhabitants of these villages bite into lemons like they would an apple, and every day concludes with a glass of Limoncello under the shade of a tall tree.

Dress code

A loose shirt, linen pants and a pair of comfortable sneakers.

Olfactory emotions

Calming, smiling, contemplation.

Key ingredients

Bergamot. Lemon. Tea. Vetiver. Cedar.


50% immersive + 25% contemplative + 15% instinctive